Monday, July 30, 2012

Total and complete trust in God for Mercy and Malachi’s lives

June 20, 2012
As many of you know, last Saturday we got a call from our lawyer with news about Mercy and Malachi. What many of you do not know is that getting any news or update from Africa is usually a bad thing. They do not call to "check-in" and say that everything is going good. They only call when things are bad. She told us that for the pastor who is caring for our children to figure out a way to contact her from the hospital means that their condition is very bad. We were told that many of the children in the orphanage had been taken to the hospital and are being treated for malaria and typhoid, and that our precious children were at the hospital.

Emotions. Wow! I have not been able to really write this out as we have been all over the board with our emotions. We know that our lives and the lives of everyone around us rest in the hands of the One who created us, but this was the first time that we had been this closely tested in truly believing that. In all honesty, knowing how or what we should feel has been impossible. We are overwhelmed with sadness to not be there with our children. My husband, being as amazing as he is, asked me if he should book me a flight over there. Everything in me wanted to go, but I do not believe that was the best course of action. The best course of action is to PRAY! We immediately posted on facebook to let as many as possible know what was happening, so prayers would surround the delicate lives of our precious kiddos. (Thank you to all of you who are faithfully praying for them!) We talked to God. We shed many tears. We took Sunday off from The Pursuit. God is entrusting M&M to our care, but He reminds us that He is still their Healer and Provider.

In the amazing picture I have of Mercy in Africa, I can see a portion of the home where our kids are living, and I have painted out this room completely in my mind. They are safe, cared for, and loved in my mind. They are protected by the precious family who is caring for them. But in reality, they are in danger of sickness and harm. I just wanted the pretty painted picture in my head to be true. I truly had not prepared for this.

God spoke to me over the past few days, and reminded me that the 3 children I have here in my "safe pretty" home in Idaho are also in danger of sickness and harm. We paint these pretty pictures and put the people we love in them. In these settings our friends, family, and loved ones are safe, but in reality, God is the One painting the picture and sees exactly what that picture is suppose to look like. What my perception of "safe and pretty" looks like may very well be way off from what He is painting.

He has used this as a way to renew my total and complete trust in Him! I must hold on to everything and everyone loosely. He is the Creator and the One who sustains. My prayer is that He will sustain our sweet M&M and allow us to bring them to Idaho to their "safe pretty" picture here. We want to be able to hold them and love them through whatever God allows in their lives and ours!

The most difficult thing has definitely been not being there with them, physically. My kind friend, Kim, texted me and encouraged me with this, "The Mama of the orphanage is so amazing when the kids are in the hospital. She stays there with them. Plus, I think she worries over them as much as we do. Also, they are so much better at treating those illnesses over there." God is there holding them in His hands. To be reminded that those who are caring for my children now are people who love them, was such an incredible encouragement! One day I will put the bandaids on their scraped knees, and hold them when they cry, but for now, I am reminded that they are in the most gentle, loving, and healing hands of all - The Healer is holding them.

Thank you again for praying! We do not have any updates at this point. We are not sure what to think of that at this point. We feel like it has been long enough that maybe things are improving, and since they don't call when things are going good, it's a good thing that we have not heard. On the other hand, when the phone does ring, we will be bracing ourselves for any type of news. Please continue to pray for the safety of our children! Please pray for our patience and continued trust in Jesus as we wait to bring these precious ones home. We are thankful for each of you as you hold us all up through this time!

Know that as soon as we KNOW anything, we will post an update! Be blessed!

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